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Bug Tracker

A module to help you track all the bugs in your project

Awesome Features

No bugs can hide and ruin your project when our exclusive bug tracker is at your service.
We also provide discussion forums and file management to increase the quality of the project and produce a better output.

Issue Management

The bug tracker focuses on issues that arise in a project. It caters with a simple and scalable issue management system categorizing the issues and managing them. The process includes distribution and assignment of issues and also real-time tracking of issues that might impact the outcome/ final product.


A dashboard is an attractive representation of a report of respective projects with decision making analytics in the graphical form. It enables the user to get a holistic view of the entire system on the dashboard.

Project Management

This feature allows you to create unlimited projects and provides you with a project wise summary of bugs. This further helps the project manager to understand the deep-rooted issue in the project.

Activity Log

Single-stop shop to view all the activities executed in the entire application. A widespread report of all the activities is available in the Activity Log.


In order to smoothen the communication amongst the internal team members, this feature helps in making the communication process easier and hassle-free. This module is filled with instant messaging, file sharing, audio and video calling, screen sharing and capturing features. All the above mentioned features with a completely secure and encrypted approach.


Data is incorporated in the form of a simplified report with extensive information on all the issues occurred in various projects. Get access to these simplified reports in a well-organized spreadsheet to help you understand the bugs better. An ideal bug report states the information required to reproduce and fix issues.

Choose Best Plan For Your Organization

Various plans depending on the requirement of your organization. Choose the best plan for your organization and start saving the time.

  • 10 Users
  • 2 GB Space
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  • 25 Users
  • 5 GB Space
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  • 50 Users
  • 7 GB Space
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  • 100 Users
  • 10 GB Space
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